When School Becomes A Struggle: What Parents Need To Know And Do

When School
Becomes A Struggle:
What Parents Need
To Know And Do.
Written By: Ross Thompson

Is Your Teenager Struggling To Settle Back Into School? You're Not Alone.

As a parent or carer, watching your child face challenges at school can be difficult.

Whether your teenager has just started Year 7 or has returned to school after the summer holidays, many young people face hurdles that can make settling in seem like an impossible task.

From online safety concerns and mental health issues to challenging behaviour and poor school attendance, the stress can be overwhelming. But you're not alone, and there are ways you can support your teenager and help them get back on track.

Understanding The Root Causes Of School Struggles

When a young person struggles to settle into school, it’s important to first understand the potential underlying issues. For some teenagers, transitioning into secondary school brings a range of new challenges, from navigating new social dynamics to adjusting to the increased academic pressure.

In other cases, external factors such as online bullying, anxiety or changes at home can deeply affect a teenager's ability to focus and engage at school. Knowing the root cause can help you approach the situation more effectively, with empathy and understanding, and ensure that your response is tailored to your teenager’s specific needs.

Online Safety: The Hidden Struggle Behind The Screen

In today’s digital world, many young people face online pressures that affect their mental well-being and school life. Whether it’s cyberbullying, social media comparison, or inappropriate content, the internet can be both a tool and a source of anxiety for teenagers.

These issues can directly impact your child’s confidence, behaviour and even their attendance at school. As a parent, staying involved in your teenager's online world is crucial.

Regularly checking in on their digital life, setting clear boundaries and having open conversations about online safety can help them feel more secure and reduce the likelihood of these issues negatively affecting their school experience.

Supporting Your Teenager’s Mental Health And Well-Being

Mental health issues, particularly anxiety and depression, are common challenges for teenagers, especially if the transition to secondary school has been stressful.

When left unaddressed, mental health challenges can lead to disengagement, difficulty concentrating and refusal to attend school. Furthermore, teenagers can disengage with the world around them – including their support networks.

It's essential to keep an open line of communication with your teenager and encourage them to talk about what they’re feeling.

If needed, seeking professional support, such as through school or through mental health services, can provide your teenager with the tools and support they need to thrive both at school and in life. Sometimes, our teenagers just need that “someone” who comes at it from a different perspective.

Addressing Challenging Behaviour And School Attendance

When a young person starts exhibiting challenging behaviour or refusing to attend school, it can be a sign of deeper issues. These behaviours often stem from frustration, fear or a lack of coping skills.

Working with your teenager to identify the root cause of their behaviour, whether it’s a specific issue at school or something happening at home, is the first step towards resolution.

Positive reinforcement, clear expectations and consistent support can go a long way in helping your teenager regain control of their actions. Similarly, if your teenager is struggling with school attendance, try to understand the reasons behind their reluctance to go.

Providing reassurance, creating a supportive home environment and working alongside the school can help them feel more motivated and confident.

Take Action Today: Join My Online Group Coaching Sessions

If you are struggling to navigate these challenges with your teenager, my
online group coaching sessions are designed to offer you the support, knowledge and strategies you need to tackle these issues head-on.

Whether you’re dealing with online safety concerns, challenging behaviour, mental health struggles or school attendance problems, my sessions provide practical advice and actionable steps to empower you as a parent.

Furthermore, you will be in a session with other parents who are facing the same or similar challenges as you, giving you an opportunity to network with other parents outside of the sessions if you wish to. Sometimes, it is nice to have the reassurance that you are not alone.

With over 15 years of experience in safeguarding and supporting young people, I am here to help you find solutions that work for you and your family. Join my upcoming sessions,
Take Back Control (Challenging Behaviour), Access & Attend School, Online Safety or Responding to Mental Health in Teenagers, and start taking control of the situation today.

Let’s work together to ensure your teen has the support they need to thrive at school and beyond.

When School Becomes A Struggle: What Parents Need To Know And DoWhen School Becomes A Struggle: What Parents Need To Know And Do
Ross Thompson - Resilience & Mindset Life CoachRoss Thompson - Resilience & Mindset Life Coach
Image Of Intervention Offered By Ross Thompson - Resilience & Mindset Life CoachImage Of Intervention Offered By Ross Thompson - Resilience & Mindset Life Coach
Ross Thompson - Resilience & Mindset Life CoachRoss Thompson - Resilience & Mindset Life Coach

Online Group Sessions
Discover my range of group sessions to support parents with school attendance, mental health, challenging behaviour and online safety.

Ross Thompson - Resilience & Mindset Life CoachRoss Thompson - Resilience & Mindset Life Coach

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